The Entrepreneurs’ Struggles with Mental Health that Nobody Talks About

Marissa Limsiaco
5 min readJul 6, 2021


The first thing I think of when it comes to entrepreneurs and mental health is the phrase “all in.” This concept, that successful entrepreneurs are always going all-in, has become a cliché. Sure, some people who struggle with mental health issues have managed to create thriving businesses. But for many others, this idea has been destructive. In our culture we idolize success at any cost — but what does this really look like? What’s it really like to be an entrepreneur?

There can be a lot of glamour and spotlight but what people don’t realize is the stress, pressure, doubt, depression, and anxiety that can overcome an entrepreneur’s life and impact their personal/professional relationships if they don’t have the proper support systems in place. Entrepreneurs have to present themselves as confident and there is an identity that we have to uphold, whether it be through our business or personal lives. There is a fear of failure that can keep us from asking for help and admitting when something feels wrong because of the shame factor.

Some of the most common mental health struggles that entrepreneurs face are:

- Stress, anxiety or depression.

- Difficulty managing their time.

- Unclear financial situation due to expenses and lack of income streams.

Stress is a huge issue for people who start new businesses because they have so much going on at once — even if it’s your dream job! It becomes even more difficult if these struggles go on for a long period of time — starting and growing a business is a marathon and can take many years to find the market fit and grow successfully.

I’ve been an entrepreneur for the better part of the last decade. At one point, I had many nights of lost sleep and put personal relationships, especially my marriage, at severe risk because of the financial concerns around our business. However, I am lucky to have an amazing support network, supportive cofounders, and an inspiring wife to help me through those tough times.

Here are some tips I like to share with other founders about maintaining mental health throughout the entrepreneur journey:

Tip #1: Don’t be afraid to take some time off from your business while you address what’s going on or practice self-care and take a break. This has been a big struggle for me, but at the end of the day, it is more important than anything else that we are kinder with ourselves — after all this is just one chapter in our long lives! Be mindful of when you prioritize work over spending time with family/friends or spending time being present during quality moments. Ask yourself “Do I have to finish this now? What if I can give myself another hour?”

Tip #2: Develop a strong support network of people who are invested in you and know the realities of entrepreneurship.

Tip #3 Meditation, yoga, and exercise. It’s so important to be mindful of your own energy and tension your body picks up from all of the stress. Give all of that unwanted stress-energy an outlet! For meditation, Insight Timer and Calm apps are what my cofounders and I use!

Tip #4 The Panda Planner is my secret weapon against overwhelm. It’s a planner with an innovative system that allows me to focus only on the most important tasks during any given day, while also reminding me of things I’m grateful for and excited about. I use it every single day.

Tip #5 Journaling is a great way for me to get my feelings out without having to talk through them or take time and energy analyzing everything. Sometimes just sitting down quietly when I am feeling overwhelmed helps tremendously.

Tip #6: Therapy can help you work through your problems and it is great to have someone outside of the situation that understands how difficult dealing with mental health issues may be. I’ve been routinely seeing a therapist for the last eight years and the conclusion I have come to is that EVERYONE should find a therapist that is right for them — even when things are going really well in life it’s great to have a third-party that you trust to process with.

Tip #7: Medication for an anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, or whatever your doctor deems appropriate may be a good idea if you find that there is no other way to cope with the issues. Our society can have a negative stigma towards medication (mental health in general) and it’s not for everyone but these have helped me personally for a number of years.

Tip #8: Get your sleep, too! It’s difficult sometimes but try and routinely get at least eight hours of sleep each night. I like to listen to a book, podcast, or meditation right when I lie down in bed to shift my mindset from any work thoughts to prepare for relaxation.

Tip #9: Have a passion or creativity outlet outside of work. Mine? I play music! I love to play the guitar when I have some free time. It’s a great way to relieve stress after work and it gives me an opportunity to lose myself in something that is creative.

Tip #10: Create relationships with other founders with who you can openly discuss these struggles. Founders have a unique experience and finding others that understand what you are going through is so important.

Tip #11: Affirmations are an extremely powerful tool that can make all the difference in your life. I’ve been doing this practice since college. There are many ways to incorporate them into your routine, either by doing one each day or making a list and reading it every morning before you start on whatever task awaits you.

Mental health issues are common among founders but not widely discussed and should not be ignored. You must prioritize your mental well-being if you want to sustain your business over time. It’s important to take care of your physical and emotional well-being as a founder so you have energy for all aspects of running your company.



Marissa Limsiaco

Otso Co-Founder | Commercial Real Estate Technology Innovator |West Point grad | Combat veteran | 4X Startup founder